I want you to submit companion legislation in the Senate in support of House Resolution 79, the
World Health Organization Withdrawal Act.
The sponsor of this legislation, Representative Andy Biggs (AZ-05) has already gained the support of 50+ co-sponsors in the House who also support the United States’ withdrawal from the World Health Organization.
I want you to simply copy H.R. 79 and submit it as a companion bill in the Senate as soon as possible.
I want the United States to #ExitTheWHO.
I want you to submit companion legislation in the Senate in support of House Resolution 79, the
World Health Organization Withdrawal Act.
The sponsor of this legislation, Representative Andy Biggs (AZ-05) has already gained the support of 50+ co-sponsors in the House who also support the United States’ withdrawal from the World Health Organization.
I want you to simply copy H.R. 79 and submit it as a companion bill in the Senate as soon as possible.
One more American that wants to #ExitTheWHO.