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When Whitney Webb has something to say, my listening is on higher alert. That said, the jury is out on Musk. He is a mystery man of intrigue. Any Tech-entrepreneur is going to get on the AI train at this stage in ITs game- because this is where the money is at present. We Substack writers and publishers are also on the AI train to a degree, as are the Podcasters on the internet. We've all agreed that the convenience and velocity of the communication tools of the times serve a greater purpose, even if the censorship and data collection cannot be avoided.

My speculation on Musk's trajectory leans towards a "double-agent" at times. Those of us who lean towards cynicism will always question the motives of the wealthiest few--as we should. Especially when considering the profit windfall that philanthropaths like Bully Gates made on the C-Vaxx charade. We might also wonder if Musk could possibly care about humankind due to his profitable business ventures and the omnipresent profit schedules part and parcel to billion dollar business deals. For now however, I'll shelve my most cynical filters with a 'wait and see' attitude with regard to Mr Musk. For all other Technocrat icons,i.e., the usual suspects, I'll continue to scrutinize and analyze every move they make. At present, the CDC and WHO concern me more than Musk's investment strategy . Thanks for posting nonetheless... Webb is a valuable asset for We the People.

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