Peter Navarro | "We Were Lied To. Fauci, Knew That Virus Came from the Wuhan Lab."
Thrivetime Show | The Great ReAwakening versus The Great Reset
Peter Navarro | "We Were Lied To. Fauci, Knew That Virus Came from the Wuhan Lab. Fauci, That SOB, He Knew That Because He Had Funded the Gain of Function Research In That Lab. Trump Got Lied to About That (the shot). It's mRNA technology."
Climate Change | Klaus Schwab Demonstrates of Climate Change One-Upmanship | "I Worked On Climate Change Since 1973. I'm Was the Person That Gave the Club of Rome It's First Big Platform." - Klaus Schwab (Schwab Founded the WEF In 1971
Peter Navarro | "I Was In a Shouting Match with (Tony Fauci) That Son of a B$@#$!"